Affiliates section

Welcome in affiliates section of website of Urogynaecological society. This section is under patronage of this society.

We introduce you new activities in our section. It is designed for nurses, who are concerned with care of incontinent patients and urogynaecology.

This space is designated for your contributions, opinions, experiences, reactions on latest happenings in this field, vocational stories, acknowledgement, new, etc.


Content and aims of affiliates section (nurse section):

lifelong education - seminar
lecture activities
professional internship


Improvement of care of diseased patients with incontinence of urine and spread of right and professional care.


EUGA konference se blíží!



The countdown is on! With less two weeks to go until this year’s EUGA Congress, we’re excited to share that registration for the workshops has been extended until November 25th due to high demand.


All workshops are scheduled to take place on December 5th from 14.30 to 16.30 and only one workshop can be selected during online registration.

Be sure to complete your registration by November 25th to secure your spot.

Workshop attendance is limited, so don’t wait too long—register now to guarantee your participation!


Check out the full list of proposed Workshops HERE


Let’s meet in Prague!

EUGA konference se blíží!

Czech urogynecology conference

For more info see here 

Czech urogynecology conference

Soutěž o nejlepší publikaci

připomínám uzávěrku soutěže o nejlepší publikaci v roce 2024, která byla stanovena na 15. listopad. Případné přihlášky posílejte spolu s prací na email společnosti (
Lukáš Horčička

Soutěž o nejlepší publikaci
